
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2nd March 2011 - Parasailing at Warriewood

Today, Don took me to Warriewood to watch the paragliders doing their stuff.

The paraglider looked so surreal as he floated across the valley with the
mountains silhouetted in the background.

We watched him for about an hour as he circled around and around
before he finally landed on the headland.

We drove around to where he landed and took a closer look. By this stage he was
moving along the side of the headland catching the updrafts.
In fact the scene looked interesting because all we could see was the
sail, not the man.

We watched as he wheeled around and around, catching updrafts

The sail looked colourful and I noticed that it was actually build so that
air could fill it sort of like a balloon.

We watched until he landed. Had a talk with him for a while before we headed
off to the Pittwater RSL for a Roast Lamb lunch.

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