I go out almost every second Wednesday with Don McNicol, another photographer and we look for more interesting spots to photograph.
Each other Wednesday, we edit the photos on the computer and print them out. We also update the blog on these occasions.
Another interest I have is vintage and veteran cars. I actually have a couple myself and my father has some rather rare ones. Hopefully one day I will photograph them and post them on the blog.
I work for Sunnyfield Enterprises in Chatswood in their production factory. One day, maybe I can take some shots of that and post them on the blog.
On my site are a lot of different places that we have been to and you could also visit if you are in Sydney.
Most places don't cost anything so they are cheap outings. There are lots of interesting things in Sydney and if you choose to follow my blog, then I will be adding more as we go along.
If there is anything you would like me to feature, please leave an email and we will endeavor to post some photos of your interest.
I hope you like my site and please leave me an email if you visit just so I know it is working
Graham Ehlert